Wednesday, August 12, 2009
If you are buying mlm leads, watch out!
At Mentoring For Free we are about Teaching You How to Think
Not What To Think and the education process takes time and
the effort of many.
We have educated people that buying Leads is a Scam and the
e-mails below may just give You the InSight You may have been
missing Yourself, we hope this "Truth" keeps You out of trouble.
It is against the Law to send Your offer to a OPT-IN Lead that You
bought or were gifted the lead as a bonus to join some company..
Did YOU understand what You just read ? NO, then Read it again ?
You cannot buy an OPT-IN lead of ANY kind from ANYONE then
send them Your Offer because they did NOT OPT-IN for Your Offer
they Opted-IN for the Offer that the Lead seller was offering.
If You send Your Offer to them You are guilty of SPAM and You
will be prosecuted under the Law that YOU broke.. Mentoring For
Free will be forced to shut down Your web site and charge You for
Damages of $750.00 per day.
The letter from the Go Daddy Spam and Abuse Department will
add some clarity to the "LAW" You may be guilty of breaking..
This letter was the result of someone joining GDI and was given
100,000 OPT-IN leads that had a Massive Bounce Rate and it
caused the site to be shut down as well
as the company that sent the sales letter to the Spam list....
Our purpose for this e-mail is to educate You so be sure to read
what YOU will need to supply Mentoring For Free with if You are
responsible for getting any of our sites shut down, be sure to read
the second set of #1, #2, #3 that You will be asked to produce.
You cannot make this stuff up, read it for Yourself below. You may
want to send this e-mail to every Lead Broker that tries to SCAM
Back to some "Critical Thinking"...........Question for You.....
Why Would a Lead Broker Sell You a Lead ( if ) they were any
good ???? Answer They Would NOT....
They would use the lead to build a home based business for
themselves that would create a walk away monthly income.
Dear Michael Dlouhy,
We have charged the $199 fee to the credit card on file for your
account. GoDaddy will consider you a participant in our Abuse
Enforcement Program (also known as Go Daddy's AEP Program).
There are a few actions you can take to ensure that everything
goes smoothly.
1. Log into your Go Daddy account and change the administrative
contact for each domain name to the email address you submitted
as the primary contact, and
change the technical contact for each domain name to the
address you submitted as the secondary contact,
This will ensure that you receive all warning messages. You
can modify your entire list of domain names at once (contact
Go Daddy's Customer Service Department at support@ or 480-505-8877 if you need help).
2. Check your email client software (Outlook, Outlook Express,
Eudora, Thunderbird, etc) to ensure that the "Customer Warning"
messages are not being filtered by any type of anti-spam feature
that your particular email client my employ.
The "Customer Warning" messages you receive are auto-
generated, many spam filters will not allow the delivery of
auto generated messages. Most email clients will allow you
to "whitelist" email messages from individual domain names
or email addresses so that any message from a whitelisted
domain name or email address is delivered.,,, abuse@godaddy.
and support@domainsbyproxycom should be whitelisted.
You should not have any problems since you have responded
to the warnings you have received so far, but you may want to
keep this in mind if you make any changes.
3. Monitor these addresses diligently and responding to any
warning messages. If the "Customer Warning" messages you
receive go unanswered for longer than 5 days the domain in
question is suspended. I would strongly recommend that you
assign someone the task of checking these addresses each
day and answering any warning messages immediately.
The subject lines for these warnings are hard to miss, they will
4. Implement some type of control or procedure that will
enable you to easily monitor and police your clients. Many
customers utilize a naming convention of some sort that
places an ID# or Ad# within the referral URL that will identify
the sender of the message. You may already have some
sort of payment system in place for identifying your clients;
many AEP participants tie this into their advertisement
identification or tracking scheme.
5. Notify your clients/affiliates that you are paying special
attention to this potential problem. Place a "No Spam" policy
on your site and/or notify your clients via email of this new
commitment to enforce this policy.
6. Set up an email inbox for your domain name so you can
receive complaints at Abuse@Your domain name.
From this point forward Go Daddy will supply your company
with each complaint we receive in order to allow you to enforce
Go Daddy's anti-spam policy. All that we ask is that you
terminate the services of any individual that cannot provide
conclusive proof of prior consent to receive the offending
message. Conclusive proof of prior consent can be provided
by supplying the information outlined below.
1. Your clients/affiliate will need to provide server logs showing
when the complainant connected to your clients/affiliates site
and subscribed, opted-in, or consented to receive marketing
information from your clients/affiliates. This information must
include the following:
* Time/Date of opt-in/subscription/consent.
* IP address of the web server the complainant used to
connect to your site.
* Referral URL.
2. Your clients/affiliate will need to provide a detailed explanation
of how the example email address was obtained, your clients/
affiliates are encouraged to provide a copy of any confirmation
messages, complete with header information that this individual
sent to your clients/affiliates when they consented to receive
marketing information from their company.
3. In addition to the information outlined above, your clients/
affiliate will need to forward all contact information they have
for this individual along with any other relevant information
that they feel supports their claim of prior consent.
We will then investigate the validity of the information that
your clients/affiliates provide. The complainant may be
contacted to verify and/or confirm any contact information
or subscription details. If the information your clients/affiliates
provide checks out, we can probably consider these situations
an example where the complainant may have forgotten they
consented to receive your client/affiliates message.
Remember you can always email or
telephone 480-624-2505 if you have any questions.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Spam and Abuse Department
I know that is long, but the gist is that if the person did not opt-in to your specific site and give permission for your computer to send the information, you could cause someone's site (maybe your own) to get shut down and have a mess on your hands.
Be UNreasonable.
Debby Riddick
Thursday, July 30, 2009
You have Gifts Which are Multitudinous and Magnificent
I grew up in a dysfunctional, abusive, alcoholic home. But I knew as a little girl that things would get better, that God was protecting me, and that I would survive to go on and help many more people. I have been able to use the lessons I learned in that home and many more as well to be a friend and sometimes a counselor to others in need.
Let your light shine! Share who you are. Give a friend a listening ear. Take the risks you are afraid to take to grow. You are worth it and the world needs what you have.
Debby Riddick,
"I am committed to YOUR Success"
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
An Important Passage from Albert Einstein
Let the following passage work it's magic for you:
"I think the most important question facing humanity is, 'Is the universe a friendly place?' This is the first and most basic question all people must answer for themselves.
For if we decide that the universe is an unfriendly place, then we will use our technology, our scientific discoveries and our natural resources to achieve safety and power by creating bigger walls to keep out the unfriendliness and bigger weapons to destroy all that which is unfriendly-and I believe that we are getting to a place where technology is powerful enough that we may either completely isolate or destroy ourselves as well in this process.
If we decide that the universe is neither friendly nor unfriendly and that God is essentially 'playing dice with the universe', then we are simply victims to the random toss of the dice and our lives have no real purpose or meaning.
But if we decide that the universe is a friendly place, then we will use our technology, our scientific discoveries and our natural resources to create tools and models for understanding that universe. Because power and safety will come through understanding its workings and its motives.
A human being is a part of the whole called by us 'universe'. . . a part limited in time and space. He experiences his thoughts and feelings as separated from the rest-a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us.
Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
-- Albert Einstein
Debby Riddick,
"I am committed to YOUR Success"
Friday, July 17, 2009
Do What Really Makes You Come Alive
Terry Grundy.
I love this quote. If the world were filled with people pursuing their passions, it would be a completely different place.
How would your business be different if you were doing something that truly energized you?
Are you just going through the motions because it is something that you think you should do? Or something your brother or best friend talked you into? If so, you are in trouble.
I remember a speech Deepak Chopra gave to a group of network marketers where he told them it should be easy. He said if it wasn't fun, if it wasn't easy, they should get out.
Maybe all we need to do is look at what we are doing and FIND the fun in it, look at it with fresh eyes. If your business has become a drag do something NOW to change that. Imagine what your product is going to do for someone who really needs it. Or, imagine what your business is going to do for your family finances, or your time with your family.
Figure out what motivates you and then find that in your business.
I am a Yellow personality and what motivates me is helping people, and most especially my family. So what I have to do is imagine all the people who need my help in some way. I get energized by that.
Blues love adventure and excitement so they need to focus on the fun and excitement that is in their future and the future of those they help.
Reds need to make lots of money and love to organize people so they will focus on those aspects.
Greens need to learn all about what they are doing and they love to plan. So they help everyone learn everything they need to know. They love to plan the financial security of their family. They can focus on that.
The bottom line is this - find out what truly makes you come alive; then find a way to work on that with your business.
Debby Riddick,
"I am committed to YOUR Success"
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Think & Grow Rich, Chapter 2 - Desire
I am posting this at great personal vulnerability because I think there are a lot of you out there who can relate. I am immensely thankful that I found a group of mentors who helped me understand a lot of things about network marketing and how it works.
This is my third trip through Think and Grow Rich with MFF. I keep thinking that I have Desire all figured out. But one of the first things I noticed about this chapter as we start again is this part: "One of the chief characteristics of Barnes' Desire was that it was definite. He wanted to work with Edison, not for him." I know that I have not honed my Desire down to that level and kept it there. I still need to get my Why down to a concise statement of intent.
I have never made the commitment Hill is talking about when he tells us that "when a man really DESIRES a thing so deeply that he is willing to stake his entire future on a single turn of the wheel in order to get it, he is sure to win." I have never sold out completely. Barnes took a menial job with Edison and used that time to let his Desire focus itself until it was an all consuming obsession. He kept his options open to see what would turn up. Again Hill says "When the opportunity came, it appeared in a different form, and from a different direction than Barnes had expected. That is one of the tricks of opportunity. It has a sly habit of slipping in by the back door, and often it comes disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat. Perhaps this is why so many fail to recognize opportunity."
I gave 5 years of what I thought was all out effort, 7 days a week and most nights, to my last company; but I have to honestly say that I was not totally sold out in my belief. I knew that some people were making a lot of money and had lots of freedom, but I always held back from giving it Everything emotionally because I was afraid of what it would ask of me. I didn't believe that I could do the same thing they were without compromising my ethics and my family. I gave up a lot of time with my family over the 5 years and as time went on I stayed with it because I didn't want their sacrifice of my time to be for nothing. Hill also teaches us about the value of persistence in the story about Mr. Darby and the gold mine. I didn't want to stop "three feet from my goal" so I kept on even after I had lost all hope in the enterprise. (By the way it was/is NOT a 5 pillar company.) Mr. Darby's uncle taught us to never accept no from life - that little girl would not accept no from Darby's uncle. We need to be just as intent on getting our goals.
One thing I have read is that I need to keep asking "Why?" after each of the things I have on my list to get at the feeling that I am after. When I do that I get two things: freedom and significance. I want a life of freedom and significance. I don't know what to do with that because it seems so nebulous; yet in a way it is very freeing. I don't have to tie my Why to a specific act or level in business. Instead I am free to use my actions and my business to achieve my goal. My burning desire is for a feeling, an emotion; and there is more than one way to get at that feeling. I can allow the Universe/God the freedom to use me and my life in ways I might never be able to imagine. The feelings will come when I demand from life what is most important to me -freedom and significance- while allowing the Universe creative license in how to achieve that, coupled with unshakable faith and persistence.
Thank you Michael, Marcello and Jerry for your belief and mentorship,
Debby Riddick
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
How to Outwit the Six Ghosts of Fear
This is a lesson I did recently for a Master Mind group I am part of.
I have been trying to find a way to cover this whole chapter and I can't seem to do it. Here is a small part.
Hill gives us the 6 basic fears: poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of someones love, old age, and death.
I want to focus on the first one because that seems to be such a huge thing right now. It seems like everywhere you look people are scared to death of losing everything - their job, their car, their house, their retirement.
Man can create NOTHING which he does not first conceive in the form of an impulse of thought. Hill tells us also that if we leave our mind unattended we will be beset by the vibration/impact of all the thoughts others are throwing out there. With all the attention being focused on our supposed recession it is dangerous to not be in control of our mind. The economy is driven by emotion. Our emotions drive our spending habits, and our spending habits drive the economy. Any economist will agree with this statement. They only differ in the solutions they propose.
We need to close our mind to these thoughts and only admit thought impulses of our own choosing.
Fears are nothing but a state of mind. A state of mind can be changed.
We just need to follow Hill's plan to reach those dreams and goals we have. The first step is Desire. This desire needs to be a white hot, burning desire. It needs to be specific and detailed. Take time to write out your specific dream.
If we are Willing to accept poverty that is exactly what we are going to get. It is all a state of mind. Sometimes we just want the attention we get by complaining and
whining about What If .... I loved it where Hill said "Planning what to do IF AND WHEN OVERTAKEN BY FAILURE, INSTEAD OF BURNING ALL BRIDGES AND
MAKING RETREAT IMPOSSIBLE" was one of the signs of Fear of Poverty. We need the desire and then we need to take action on it, believing that we are headed in the right direction. No more doubt; no more worry; no more procrastination.
I think that I have struggled a lot more personally with the fear of criticism. I spent too much of my life seeking approval from others. It had some upsides such as making me a hard worker, but the stress, the perfectionism, and frustration were much more devastating. I still fight that, but I am getting better all the time; especially in my relationships.
But this path of growth is never-ending. Self development is a must. I have cut the chatter and focused my efforts. Because of this Master Mind group I am on my way to owning my life.
I encourage you to spend time in reflection. Have you written out your why? What is there in your life that you are no longer willing to put up with? What do you want your friends and family to remember about you when you are gone? Do you spend time in self development and in learning about your business?
Debby Riddick
Friday, June 12, 2009
Are You Unreasonable ?
Have you adapted yourself to the world around you and settled for what everyone else says is normal?
Have you forgotten your dreams because everyone around you says that they are too big?
Have you ......
Dream BIG.
Be UNreasonable.
Debby Riddick
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Anita Roddick, one of my favorite leaders
Here is what made her so great:
"But if you can create an honorable
livelihood, where you take your skills
and use them and you earn a living from
it, it gives you a sense of freedom and
allows you to balance your life the way
you want."
Monday, May 11, 2009
Great quote from Thoreau
"I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; new, universal, and more liberal laws will begin to establish themselves around and within him; or the old laws be expanded, and interpreted in his favor in a more liberal sense, and he will live with the license of a higher order of beings."
— Henry David Thoreau
American Author and Philosopher
Thursday, May 7, 2009
The Pyramid of Success by Coach John Wooden
It has been a few years since I ran across this Pyramid, but it is a perfect model to follow in building this or any other endeavor in life. Coach wooden taught his players skills on the basketball court and off. He never told the team "Let's go Win this Game." He always told them to go out there and do their best. He said that if each one did their best, then it was a successful game. He is widely acknowledged as the best basketball coach ever, and I would say the best coach ever, period.
Basically, here's how it works. Each level of the pyramid is dependent upon the level beneath it for support. So you need to develop and focus on the skills from the bottom level of the pyramid up. I will take more time with each one in subsequent blogs; but here's the list in order. Note that the skills and competitiveness are at the top. Taking control of ourselves is first.
1. Industriousness
2. Friendship
3. Loyalty
4. Cooperation
5. Enthusiasm
6. Self-Control
7. Alertness
8. Initiative
9. Intentness
10. Condition
11. Skill
12. Team Spirit
13. Poise
14. Confidence
15. Competitive
Friday, May 1, 2009
Relationship Marketing
Network marketing is all about relationships and becoming the person others would like to join in business. Sure, there are skills you have to learn to use the internet to build your business and take it beyond just your local area, but the largest part of any home based business is creating relationships.
Learning to understand others' personalities and how to best help them is a big part of that. Mentoring for Free offers free training in many areas, especially in understanding personality types using Colors. There is also a CD available.
Most people agree that they would want to work with someone who could bring more laughter and joy into their lives. Let's learn how to do that for others. Even if we can only do it for a minute, or an hour, or a day.
Our emotions are our indicators of whether we are in alignment with the things we want. When we are sad or frustrated we are not doing something that is in keeping with our deepest desires. So when we are having fun creating our home based business, we are on the right track. And when we get others to laugh and have fun when we interact with them, they see that that they can achieve those things that are most important to them while building a business with us. That is what we want, isn't it?
WE are our most important product. People want to know if they can do this business, and they want to know if we can teach them how to do it. A big part of that is whether we can help them enjoy doing it.
Debby Riddick
Friday, April 17, 2009
Are you perplexed by the law of attraction?
Monday, March 2, 2009
Be a Go Giver
Monday, February 23, 2009
Dr. Seuss Can Help You Succeed in Network Marketing
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Fear of Poverty
I did a lesson review of chapter 15 of Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich for a mentorship group which I am part of and I wanted to share it with you because I think it has such widespread application today.
Hill lists the symptoms of the fear of poverty: indifference, indecision, doubt, worry, over-caution and procrastination. If I had to pick my greatest fault here it would be procrastination. This is symptom of the fear of poverty. If I truly believed with all my being in the success of my endeavor, whatever it is, would I hesitate about giving it everything I had? No I would not. And how we do one thing in life is how we do all things in life. Therefore, I have to assume that my procrastination in many areas of my life means there is fear behind it. This is where self talk and affirmations and turning off the TV come into play. We need to remove ourselves from the constant negative bombardment and the selling of fear on TV.
Hill addresses his critics who ask why he is always talking about money. I love this passage by Westbrook Pegler which Hill quotes: "money is only clam shells or metal discs or scraps of paper, and there are treasures of the heart and soul which money cannot buy, but most people, being broke, are unable to keep this in mind and sustain their spirits. When a man is down and out and on the street, unable to get any job at all, something happens to his spirit which can be observed in the droop of his shoulders, the set of his hat, his walk and his gaze. He cannot escape a feeling of inferiority among people with regular employment, even though he knows they are definitely not is equals in character, intelligence or ability...." There is so much warning for us in these times. We need to believe in ourselves and our power to change our circumstances by hard work and thought control.
Worry is a state of mind based upon fear. It is slow but insidious. Hill says "Worry is a form of sustained fear caused by indecision; therefore it is a state of mind which can be controlled... We do not worry over conditions, once we have reached a decision to follow a definite line of action... Kill the habit of worry, in all its forms, by reaching a general blanket decision that nothing which life has to offer is worth the price of worry."
Once we have made this decision we will have poise, peace of mind and calmness. I have found this to be very true. When you are able to let go of the worry it is as if a 1000 pound weight has been lifted off your shoulders. So, let’s all focus on possibilities and make a firm decision to believe in our future.
Debby Riddick
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Better Decision Making. Do I Deserve Better?

Debby Riddick
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Decision Making - The Other Half
Now, let’s move on to the other side of the process of decision-making. We will make even better decisions when we learn to look into our heart for confirmation after we have asked the head questions. Most people make their decisions emotionally and then look for logical reasons to justify the decision they already made. It works better when we involve the feelings and the head simultaneously. The second set of questions is: “Does My Decision Show I Am Honest with Myself, Trust My Intuition, and Deserve Better?”
We need to make decisions in integrity, that is, telling ourselves the truth. The consequences, down the road, of a decision which is based in illusion will generally be much harder to deal with than dealing with the illusion now. We need to ask ourselves what are our beliefs about (1) our integrity, (2) our intuition, and (3) our insight into our own worth. The more aware we are of our own character, the more often we make better decisions. We will only use those portions of our character we think have real value for us in making our decisions, so our decisions depend on how we view our character and they also reveal our character.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
How are your goals coming? Check in with your subconscious mind!
Dr. Rhine of Duke University and his associates did extensive testing that showed the validity of telepathy and clairvoyance. But what are these really? Screens, walls and distances seem to have no effect on the ability of two people to communicate. The more awake and alert the participants are the better the results. The United States government and Stanford University were very active in studying remote viewing and mind influence during World War II and thereafter. The amount of money put into pursuing this by the government seems to give a certain amount of credibility to it.
Lynne McTaggart has written two books in which she chronicles the history of research around the world studying how our minds connect to each other. There are studies showing the ability of our mind even to influence a machine. Jesus told us that “where two or more are gathered in my name” praying in agreement, the prayer would be answered. Napoleon Hill says this is the power of the mastermind group: A few like minded folks sitting down together and focusing on a problem at hand will not only draw ideas out of each other, but also out of the mind of God.
But there is more to it than this. Masaru Emoto relays the story of a monk and a group of 350 folks praying over Lake Biwa, the largest lake in Japan. The lake was horribly polluted. The newspaper reported the next month that the putrid algae, which appeared each year and caused an unbearable stench, had failed to show up. The stories go on and on and on.
Our subconscious minds connect to the Infinite through our creative imagination. We are able to gain access to sources of knowledge completely outside our own experience. This makes me think of how often a couple of people around the world are working on something in the area of health or science and a breakthrough is achieved simultaneously, even though they have never heard of the work of the other person. The knowledge of mankind is at the point for that breakthrough to occur and the scientists are tapping into it.
But how does this apply to us achieving our goals? First of all, we have the power and inspiration available to us achieve anything which we truly want. We need to make the definite decision to go for it, get together a mastermind group, and purposefully connect with each other in a mind alliance asking our subconscious minds to bring to our creative minds the ideas to reach our goals. Then make a plan based on those ideas and get started !
Debby Riddick
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Decision Making - What is The Real Need ?
Last time, from Spencer Johnson’s book Yes or No, we learned that we need to use both our head and our heart to make the best decisions. We use our head by asking the first question: “Am I meeting the real need, informing myself of options and thinking it through?” We must answer either “yes” or “no” to the question. No “maybes.”
If the answer is “no” we keep going. We ask: “Is this something I merely want?” or “Is this something I really need?” We may want a Ferrari, but what we really need is a car to get to work. We have to make the decision based on the real need. We can go back and work on what we want later.
We need to focus on the results in such detail that we can actually see ourselves at the point where we have achieved them. This focus helps us say no to everything else until it is achieved. Once we have made this decision, the daily choices are easy. Does this action help me achieve my goal, my real need, or not? If the answer is no, then we don’t do it.
Spencer Johnson gives us a great way to separate the needs and wants: To see what we merely want, we ask “What do I wish I could do?” To see what we really need we ask “What would I like to have done?” looking back on it from the future.
Once we have done that, we need to be sure that we are looking at all the options. When we think we don’t have any options we need to remember that we just aren’t aware of them right now. We need to gather information, but only what is actually needed to make the decision. It is too easy to get buried in facts that don’t focus on the need. They just distract us. We need to gather information and then validate it for ourselves.
When we feel frozen with fear we need to just get started. Ask “If I don’t have the information, who does?” “What is the best way to get it?” “Have I verified it myself?” That will lead to more information and so on. Pretty soon we are able to see that there are choices we weren’t even aware of.
The last step in this part of the process is thinking it through. We can start by looking at our past decisions and learning from them. When we got bad results what had we done wrong in making the decision? When we got good results what had we done right in making the decision?
We can improve our future results by asking “then what? … then what? … then what?” for each of the options we are looking at. We often make the mistake of assuming that it is only a short-term decision, but quite often there are long-term repercussions. So carry each option out to the future.
Stay tuned for the next installment, Feelings.
Debby Riddick
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Making Better Decisions
For the next couple of weeks I want to share some thoughts from a book that has been a great help to me, Yes or No by Spencer Johnson. This is a book that teaches us a method for making consistently better decisions. Where we are in life is largely the result of decisions we have made, or not made. Johnson has discovered a pretty foolproof system for knowing how to "say ‘Yes’ to what works well for each of us and ‘No’ to what doesn’t.”
Our poor decisions cause problems in all areas of our lives – with our families, our finances, and our work. The act of putting off a decision because we are afraid of making a mistake is a decision in and of itself. We don’t have to make perfect decisions; we just need to make better decisions. A better decision is one where we feel better about how we made the decision and we get better results.
Most people have heard the axiom that the definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing over and over and expecting different results. If we don’t know what to do, the first step is to stop what we are doing right now. We need to stop the behavior, based on the poor decision, which has become familiar and comfortable, even though it is not working for us, and create a void so that we can fill it with something better. As long as we are busy acting in the old way, the better way will not present itself.
So step one is to stop doing what we are currently doing and ask ourselves some questions. We need to make our initial decision in our normal way and then ask a cool head question and a warm heart question. Most of use one or the other, but better decisions are made when we take advantage of all the faculties we have. For example, use your logical mind to figure out what makes sense and then ask your heart how you feel about that; check in with some other folks in your Mastermind group; make the decision and act on it.
By using this system every time for every decision we will make better decisions overall. It doesn’t mean that we will never make a mistake, but it does mean that we will make more good decisions. As we perfect this process those decisions will get better and better.
Stay tuned for the next installment, The Real Need
Monday, January 19, 2009
My top 15 books that have given me my philosophy on life
Since I posted my top 10 books about network marketing and saIes I thought I would give you my top 15 books that have had an influence on my philosophy.
Everything we read, listen to and watch has an influence on our life. I believe that Thoughts are Things. Choose carefully what you put into your mind.
I couldn't keep it to 10, so here are my top 15.
1. THE FOUR AGREEMENTS by Don Miguel Ruiz. A simple philosophy that can change our world if we let it.
2. SUCCESS THROUGH A POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE by Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone. The first book I ever read about positive thinking and the power of our thoughts.
3. I DARE YOU by William Danforth. Originally published in 1942 and privately printed for his employees and friends, still relevant today. His American Youth Foundation is still distributing copies and challenging youth today.
4. THE CHOICE by Og Mandino. It's hard to choose only one of Og's books. Every one is great.
5. THE LOST CHOICE by Andy Andrews. Every choice we make counts and every choice has the power to change lives.
6. BEYOND POSITIVE THINKING by Dr.Robert Anthony. I read this book 3 times in 2005. It is a no nonsense formula for focusing our attention and thoughts.
7. REINVENTING YOURSELF by Steve Chandler. 100 ways to motivate yourself. Are you an owner or a victim? Find out.
8. THE DARK SIDE OF THE LIGHT CHASERS by Debbie Ford. Reclaim your power and your dreams.
9. THE HIDDEN MESSAGES IN WATER by Masaru Emoto. This made the invisible web that connects all things more amazing than ever to me.
10. THE POWER OF NOW by Eckhart Tolle. We all tend to live in the past and the future, but there is amazing power in being present in each moment.
12. THE POWER OF ENCOURAGEMENT by Dr. David Jeremiah. Do you want to see massive changes in those around you? Then read this and discover exactly what the title says.
13. PASSIONATE PRESENCE by Catherine Ingram. It taught me the acceptance of my own inner knowing of spirituality.
14. THE FIVE THINGS WE CANNOT CHANGE by David Richo. We find happiness by embracing the 5 inevitable things in life: Everything changes and ends, Things do not always go according to plan, Life is not always fair, Pain is a part of life, and People are not loving and loyal all the time.
15. LEVERAGING THE UNIVERSE AND ENGAGING THE MAGIC by Mike Dooley. A kind of fun way to get the essence of a benevolent and loving universe.
Hope you find some of this interesting and helpful. They all had an influence on me.
Debby Riddick
It's All About Teamwork
Have you ever heard the saying "It's all about teamwork"? I have. Usually in the context of a coach or boss trying to get me to do something that didn't feel very good. Something that felt like I was being taken advantage of. Something that seemed to work for the coach/boss, not for me. Here's the problem: It really IS about the team. Your team. Your family. Your network marketing group.
We need to stand by each other. We need to do what we can to help each other. In supporting each other we develop the kind of relationships that last through time and circumstances. When we are strong, when we have the time and resources to be there for someone else we need to do that. There will come a day in each of our lives when we will need someone to be there for us.
This is a great video which has been pieced together of folks all over the world singing song. It is from You Tube and is called: Playing For Change: Song Around the World "Stand By Me"
Stand By Me,
Sunday, January 4, 2009
My Top 10 books on Sales and Network Marketing
One of my mentors asked us to send in a list of our top 10 books for sales and/or network marketing. Here are mine: