One of my mentors asked us to send in a list of our top 10 books for sales and/or network marketing. Here are mine:
1. THE GREATEST SALESMAN IN THE WORLD by Og Mandino. This was the first book I read that spoke to me about "thoughts are things" when I was in my 20's. Actually anything by Og is fantastic.
2. THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill. I have studied this book twice before, but I never really studied it to the point that I "got it." This time with my Mental Cleanse mastermind group it is really getting deeper. Read this again and again.
3. BEYOND POSITIVE THINKING by Dr. Robert Anthony. This was the first book that gave me a framework for affirmations and mental practices. This is worth really studying.
4. THE FOUR SPIRITUAL LAWS by Don Miguel Ruiz. This really gave me a look into my thinking and the basics of spirituality.
5. THE FIELD by Lynne McTaggart. I started to have some questions about the legitimacy of this whole "thinking" thing and I found this book which goes into the history of quantum mechanics and how our thinking affects our reality.
6. THE GREATEST NETWORKER IN THE WORLD by John Milton Fogg. After having been in and out of 5 or 6 MLM companies which used the old hard-sell methods I found a copy of this book and it dramatically changed my view of network marketing.
7. SPIRITUAL ECONOMICS by Eric Butterworth. A great book on money and spirituality. It fixed by thinking on abundance.
8. TWELVE PILLARS by Jim Rohn and Chris Widener. A cute story that has a lot of good lessons. I liked it so much I gave a copy to everyone I knew a couple of years ago.
9. SUCCESS IN 10 STEPS by Michael Dlouhy. This one changed my life and helped me to understand why I was not making it in the company I had given the last 5 years to. It let me forgive myself for my failure there.
10. THE 21 IRREFUTABLE LAWS OF LEADERSHIP by John Maxwell. My favorite among quite a few great books by this author. One of the best books I have found on the character of leadership.
Debby Riddck
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