Thursday, July 30, 2009

You have Gifts Which are Multitudinous and Magnificent

I received a little note from Neale Donald Walsch - in his daily inspiration email. He tells us that we have gifts which are “multitudinous and magnificent” to share with the world. This reminds me of lessons I learned long ago. We are experiencing what we are right at this moment in time to gain experience, compassion, understanding, wonder, love and awe. We need this wisdom and this insight to go forward and share honestly with others so we may help them.

I grew up in a dysfunctional, abusive, alcoholic home. But I knew as a little girl that things would get better, that God was protecting me, and that I would survive to go on and help many more people. I have been able to use the lessons I learned in that home and many more as well to be a friend and sometimes a counselor to others in need.

Let your light shine! Share who you are. Give a friend a listening ear. Take the risks you are afraid to take to grow. You are worth it and the world needs what you have.

Debby Riddick,
"I am committed to YOUR Success"