Network marketing is all about relationships and becoming the person others would like to join in business. Sure, there are skills you have to learn to use the internet to build your business and take it beyond just your local area, but the largest part of any home based business is creating relationships.
Learning to understand others' personalities and how to best help them is a big part of that. Mentoring for Free offers free training in many areas, especially in understanding personality types using Colors. There is also a CD available.
Most people agree that they would want to work with someone who could bring more laughter and joy into their lives. Let's learn how to do that for others. Even if we can only do it for a minute, or an hour, or a day.
Our emotions are our indicators of whether we are in alignment with the things we want. When we are sad or frustrated we are not doing something that is in keeping with our deepest desires. So when we are having fun creating our home based business, we are on the right track. And when we get others to laugh and have fun when we interact with them, they see that that they can achieve those things that are most important to them while building a business with us. That is what we want, isn't it?
WE are our most important product. People want to know if they can do this business, and they want to know if we can teach them how to do it. A big part of that is whether we can help them enjoy doing it.
Debby Riddick