Monday, February 23, 2009
Dr. Seuss Can Help You Succeed in Network Marketing
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Fear of Poverty
I did a lesson review of chapter 15 of Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich for a mentorship group which I am part of and I wanted to share it with you because I think it has such widespread application today.
Hill lists the symptoms of the fear of poverty: indifference, indecision, doubt, worry, over-caution and procrastination. If I had to pick my greatest fault here it would be procrastination. This is symptom of the fear of poverty. If I truly believed with all my being in the success of my endeavor, whatever it is, would I hesitate about giving it everything I had? No I would not. And how we do one thing in life is how we do all things in life. Therefore, I have to assume that my procrastination in many areas of my life means there is fear behind it. This is where self talk and affirmations and turning off the TV come into play. We need to remove ourselves from the constant negative bombardment and the selling of fear on TV.
Hill addresses his critics who ask why he is always talking about money. I love this passage by Westbrook Pegler which Hill quotes: "money is only clam shells or metal discs or scraps of paper, and there are treasures of the heart and soul which money cannot buy, but most people, being broke, are unable to keep this in mind and sustain their spirits. When a man is down and out and on the street, unable to get any job at all, something happens to his spirit which can be observed in the droop of his shoulders, the set of his hat, his walk and his gaze. He cannot escape a feeling of inferiority among people with regular employment, even though he knows they are definitely not is equals in character, intelligence or ability...." There is so much warning for us in these times. We need to believe in ourselves and our power to change our circumstances by hard work and thought control.
Worry is a state of mind based upon fear. It is slow but insidious. Hill says "Worry is a form of sustained fear caused by indecision; therefore it is a state of mind which can be controlled... We do not worry over conditions, once we have reached a decision to follow a definite line of action... Kill the habit of worry, in all its forms, by reaching a general blanket decision that nothing which life has to offer is worth the price of worry."
Once we have made this decision we will have poise, peace of mind and calmness. I have found this to be very true. When you are able to let go of the worry it is as if a 1000 pound weight has been lifted off your shoulders. So, let’s all focus on possibilities and make a firm decision to believe in our future.
Debby Riddick
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Better Decision Making. Do I Deserve Better?

Debby Riddick
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Decision Making - The Other Half
Now, let’s move on to the other side of the process of decision-making. We will make even better decisions when we learn to look into our heart for confirmation after we have asked the head questions. Most people make their decisions emotionally and then look for logical reasons to justify the decision they already made. It works better when we involve the feelings and the head simultaneously. The second set of questions is: “Does My Decision Show I Am Honest with Myself, Trust My Intuition, and Deserve Better?”
We need to make decisions in integrity, that is, telling ourselves the truth. The consequences, down the road, of a decision which is based in illusion will generally be much harder to deal with than dealing with the illusion now. We need to ask ourselves what are our beliefs about (1) our integrity, (2) our intuition, and (3) our insight into our own worth. The more aware we are of our own character, the more often we make better decisions. We will only use those portions of our character we think have real value for us in making our decisions, so our decisions depend on how we view our character and they also reveal our character.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
How are your goals coming? Check in with your subconscious mind!
Dr. Rhine of Duke University and his associates did extensive testing that showed the validity of telepathy and clairvoyance. But what are these really? Screens, walls and distances seem to have no effect on the ability of two people to communicate. The more awake and alert the participants are the better the results. The United States government and Stanford University were very active in studying remote viewing and mind influence during World War II and thereafter. The amount of money put into pursuing this by the government seems to give a certain amount of credibility to it.
Lynne McTaggart has written two books in which she chronicles the history of research around the world studying how our minds connect to each other. There are studies showing the ability of our mind even to influence a machine. Jesus told us that “where two or more are gathered in my name” praying in agreement, the prayer would be answered. Napoleon Hill says this is the power of the mastermind group: A few like minded folks sitting down together and focusing on a problem at hand will not only draw ideas out of each other, but also out of the mind of God.
But there is more to it than this. Masaru Emoto relays the story of a monk and a group of 350 folks praying over Lake Biwa, the largest lake in Japan. The lake was horribly polluted. The newspaper reported the next month that the putrid algae, which appeared each year and caused an unbearable stench, had failed to show up. The stories go on and on and on.
Our subconscious minds connect to the Infinite through our creative imagination. We are able to gain access to sources of knowledge completely outside our own experience. This makes me think of how often a couple of people around the world are working on something in the area of health or science and a breakthrough is achieved simultaneously, even though they have never heard of the work of the other person. The knowledge of mankind is at the point for that breakthrough to occur and the scientists are tapping into it.
But how does this apply to us achieving our goals? First of all, we have the power and inspiration available to us achieve anything which we truly want. We need to make the definite decision to go for it, get together a mastermind group, and purposefully connect with each other in a mind alliance asking our subconscious minds to bring to our creative minds the ideas to reach our goals. Then make a plan based on those ideas and get started !
Debby Riddick